
The deadline for the call for abstracts has been extended for the 2024 Latine Graduate Student Conference to July 31, by 11:59PM.
The conference, themed "Reclaiming Insurgency" will be October 24-25, 2024.
We welcome abstracts for oral presentations, multimodal presentations, or creative works from across all disciplines on any topic concerning the theme of "Reclaiming Insurgency." Undergraduate students are also welcome to submit abstracts.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- Community-Oriented Scholarship
- Ethnic Studies
- Immigration and Transnationalism
- Citizenship
- Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality
- Community Health
- Critical Artist Scholarship
- Language and Social Interaction
- History
- Communications & Media Studies
Guidelines for Submission:
- Abstracts should be no more than 300 words. Abstracts should be suitable for anonymous review.
- Please submit all proposals electronically as an attachment to
- Subject: UIUC LLS Conference 2024 Abstract
Please include the following in your email message but NOT in the abstract (except the title, which should appear in both):
- Paper Title
- Author’s name (if more than one author, list the primary author first followed by subsequent authors)
- Consideration for thematic panel?: Yes ___ No ___
- Author(s) affiliation:
- E-mail address at which the author prefers to be contacted:
- Font: Times New Roman, size 12; 1.5 inter-line spacing
- Equipment required for presentation.