Latina/os are the largest minority group in the United States and knowledge of this group has become indispensable if students are to be engaged citizens and forward-thinking leaders. Educational institutions, government agencies, corporations and other employers are always looking to hire individuals who understand the complex histories, cultures, and socio-economic conditions of Latina/os.  

Our curriculum represents the cutting edge of Latina/Latino studies research, scholarship, and pedagogy. As a student, you'll take small, intimate classes where you will critically explore various facets of Latina/o social, political, and cultural life across anthropology, sociology, history, media, literature, performance, health, and more. Our curriculum, faculty, staff and students mirror our commitment to a diverse Latinidad.

Become a leader in your community

Latina/Latino studies students learn how to think critically, solve problems, and understand topics related to power, privilege, inequality, and social justice. Learn the skills to fight for your community, initiate change, work for justice, explore social, political, and cultural issues that affect everyone, and tackle questions that can change the world.

Apply to LLS    Meet our students

Video file

Why Study Latina/Latino Studies?


Professor Mirelsie Velázquez shares the value of the major, favorite spots in Champaign-Urbana, and why the Latina/Latino studies department is the best kept secret on campus in an interview with the College of LAS.

Our Programs

LLS students

We offer small, intimate classes where students can critically explore various facets of Latina/o social, political, and cultural life. LLS faculty—trained in diverse disciplines such as anthropology, sociology, history, media studies, literature, performance studies, public health, and ethnic studies—are excellent teachers and scholars, deeply committed to working with students. Our goal is to provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to be active and conscientious participants in a global world.


Undergraduate students can pursue a major or minor in Latina/Latino Studies. Our undergraduate program explores the experiences and lives of Latina/os in the United States and provides a broad and deep approach to theory, research, and multidisciplinary study of the Latina/o experience. 

Learn more about our undergraduate program


Graduate students can pursue the graduate minor in Latina/Latino Studies to enhance their major field of study. The graduate minor provides students with a theoretical and methodological foundation and a firm background in the history and culture of Latina/os in the United States from the perspective of the humanities, the social sciences, and other fields.

Learn more about our graduate minor

What can you do with a degree in Latina/Latino Studies?


Our graduates are innovators and leaders in a wide range of fields, such as applied health, law, journalism, social work, English, education, activism, arts education, government, and business. We offer opportunities throughout the year for current students to connect and learn from former students. These experiences are helpful to students planning their career paths.