Find your path in Latina/Latino Studies

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Why Study Latina/Latino Studies?


Professor Mirelsie Velázquez shares the value of the major, favorite spots in Champaign-Urbana, and why the Latina/Latino studies department is the best kept secret on campus in an interview with the College of LAS.

Activists marching in street

Intro Latina/Latino Studies

Interdisciplinary introduction to the basis for a Latina/Latino ethnicity in the United States.

LLS 100

Lords marching in the street

Puerto Rican Diaspora

This course will examine the social, political, and cultural history of Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans across the diaspora, from 1898 to the present.

LLS 296

body image

Race, Gender and the Body

Focuses generally on the relation between power and the body. In western culture, the body is typically thought of as a natural, biological entity. However, as a number of social theorists have pointed out, the body can never be reduced to mere biology.

LLS 387

healthcare working tending to patient

Race, Medicine, and Society

The idea of race has historically been central to how Western cultures conceptualize and think about human difference. This course examines the historical significance of race through one domain of knowledge: medicine.

LLS 479

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Mayra Diaz

Alumni spotlight: Mayra Diaz, ’17 – Policy Analyst, Health & Medicine Policy Research Group

Without a doubt, I credit who I am as a leader and professional in large part to my undergraduate education in Latina/Latino Studies. As a Policy Analyst at Health & Medicine Policy Research Group with master’s degrees in social work and public health, I research and advocate for policies that prevent and mitigate the systemic root causes of trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Illinois. My LLS background has been indispensable throughout my graduate education and now in my current role. Learning about topics such as Critical Race Theory and the impact of U.S. policy on...