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activists marching

Intro Latina/Latino Studies

LLS 100

Instructor: Nic Flores

Interdisciplinary introduction to the basis for a Latina/Latino ethnicity in the United States. Topics include immigration and acculturation experiences and their commonalities and differences, comparison of Latina/Latino experiences to those of other racial, ethnic and immigrant groups, and the potential for a pan-ethnic identity.

Gen Eds: Cultural Studies - US Minority, Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci

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image: Alfonso Romero,

Woman taking blood pressure of child

Race, Medicine, and Society

LLS 479

Instructor: Natalie Lira

The idea of race has historically been central to how Western cultures conceptualize and think about human difference. This course examines the historical significance of race through one domain of knowledge: medicine. Specifically, it will be concerned with “race" as a central category in the medical construction and management of individuals and populations. Case studies might focus on colonial medicine, race and public health, sexuality and reproduction, global health disparities, and genetics and genomics. Prerequisite: LLS 100 or consent of instructor.

Same as AAS 479 and ANTH 479

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image: La Clínica, California

Latina/o Migration

LLS 220

Instructor: Camila Gavin

General overview of international migration to the United States, using Latin American migration to the U.S. as the focal point. Topics discussed include the history of international migration to the United States, the relationship between history and the contemporary context, the development of U.S. immigration policy, the incorporation of Latino immigrants in U.S. society, and immigrant and community responses to migration.

Same as SOC 221. 

Gen Eds: Cultural Studies - US Minority, Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci

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Mexican-American History

LLS 279

Instructor: Sean Ettinger

Examination of the history of Mexican Americans living within the United States from the Spanish Conquest to the twentieth century. Explores the process of migration, settlement, assimilation, and discrimination with emphasis on continuity and change in Mexican cultural development.

Same as HIST 279.

Gen Eds: Cultural Studies - US Minority, Humanities – Hist & Phil

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Latina/o Popular Culture

LLS 240

Instructor: Randy Rodriguez

Provides an introduction to Latina/o popular culture in the United States. Specific modes of popular culture might include mass media, music, film, video, performance, and other expressive forms.

Same as ENGL 224 and SPAN 240.

Gen Eds: Cultural Studies - US Minority

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Chicana/Latina Autobiography, Memoir, Testimonio

LLS 365

Focuses on how Chicanas/Latinas describe their own experiences and how they both understand and negotiate their sense of self, and centers on the new crop of memoir and autobiograpy, as represented in the most recent texts by well-established Chicana writers, such as Sandra Cisneros, Gloria Anzaldúa and Ana Castillo. We will also discuss the professionalization of the field of Latina/Latino Studies in the work of Tey Diana Rebolledo. Additionally, students will study the writing of self with a focus on gender, sexuality, and genre.