During the Spring 2024 semester, the LLS Class of 2024 presented their senior papers and theses at the annual LLS Major Symposium. This event brought together LLS students, faculty, and family to celebrate the wonderful research our students produced. We also celebrated our 2024 graduates and award winners.
Senior Research Papers & Theses

- Jessica "Jesse" Carmona, “Queer Latinx: Building Community and Creating Spaces in Higher Education”
- Jaelyn L. Castaneda, “Analyzing Latina/o Studies Programs in Five States”
- Jaredth Hernandez, “Diversity As We See It: Latinos Navigating Predominantly White Institutions”
- Anissa De Guilio, “Latinidad and Latin-esque Representations in the Music Industry”
- Amayranet Mendoza Mota, “Health Effects on Latino/a/x Health As a Result of Inadequate Patient Health Literacy, Medication Nonadherence, and a Providers Lack of Cultural Humility”
- Michelle Valerio, “Lost in Translation: Unraveling Injustice for Incarcerated Latines”
Scholarship award winners:
- Dr. Jorge Chapa Memorial Scholarship in Latina/o Studies: Alexa Rodriguez
- LLS Undergraduate Major Scholarship: Trinity Mitchell
- LLS Undergraduate Research Award: Abby Carbajal Garcia
Alexa Rodriguez accepts the Dr. Jorge Chapa Memorial Scholarship from Belinda De La Rosa - Honorable Mention: Zion Trinidad
Class of 2024
Latina/Latino Studies Majors
Jesse Carmona
Jaelyn Castañeda
Anissa Degiulio
Victor Daniel DeJesus
Jaredth Hernandez
Amayranet Mendoza Mota
Michelle Valerio
Jackie Vasquez
Latina/Latino Studies Minors
Adelina Avalos
Fatima Campos

Abby Carbajal Garcia
Andrea Conrado
Angel Delarosa
Genesis Del Real
Joel Franco
Jami Fuentes
Sandra Garcia Cruz
Samantha Gil
Diana Gomez
Monserrat Gonzalez-Gutierrez
Sam Hernandez
Lucia Martinez
Jasmin Mena
Melany Romero
Galilea Rosiles

Jocylin Sada
Daniela Santana