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Ramón E Soto-Crespo

Professor of English

Professor Ramón E Soto-Crespo is the author of Mainland Passage: The Cultural Anomaly of Puerto Rico (2009), which won honorable mention at the 2009 Modern Language Association Prize in United States Latino and Chicano Literary and Cultural Studies, The White Trash Menace and Hemispheric Fiction (2020), and Neobugarrón: Latin/o American Sexual Practice in the Age of Neoliberalism (2023). His essays have appeared in peer-reviewed academic journals such as American Literary History, Atlantic Studies, Modern Language Notes, Modern Fiction Studies, Contemporary Literature, and Textual Practice.  And in edited collections such as Archipelagic American Studies (Duke UP), Porn Archives (Duke UP), and Homosexuality and Psychoanalysis (U of Chicago P).

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