How to Apply

Applicants must be in good academic standing in a graduate or professional program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and demonstrate an interest in Latina/Latino Studies. Applicants must submit a written statement as to why they wish to minor in Latina/Latino Studies, demonstrate successful completion of course prerequisites, and provide written approval to pursue the minor from their graduate advisor and graduate program director.
1. Submit the Graduate Minor Application to the Department of Latina/Latino Studies for approval.
2. Submit the Graduate College petition to add the LLS graduate minor, preferably no later than the semester before graduation.
After logging into the Graduate College Student Portal, under the "Please select a request type" section select Add/Drop Minor. The student will be directed to submit a student statement, effective term (of the graduate minor petition), name of minor, and list of courses taken to fulfill minor requirements. The minor credential will appear on the student's academic transcripts.