Latina/Latino Studies Professor and Chair, Gilberto Rosas, was selected to co-lead the third HRI Interseminars Initiative project with colleagues Erik McDuffie (African American Studies and History) and Gisela Sin (Political Science). Their project, titled "Collisions Across Colorlines: Reconsidering Racism, Movements, and Epistemes in the Americas," will critically interrogate deeply embedded intersecting structures of race and inequality and how they periodically erupt in the Americas, if not the globe. 


As the project description states: “At stake in this Interseminar are the collisions between lived experiences of race and racism; their relation with the movement of people, ideas, and revolutionary imaginaries that span the hemisphere; and the structures within which knowledge is produced and reproduced. We envision 'collisions' as a productive lens for critically exploring how activists, artists, and other intellectuals reckon with regional epistemes and (re)making of race and racism as they relate to anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, the vexed and complicated position of other impoverished and racialized mestizo or other 'Brown' communities, particularly migrants and those otherwise crossing international boundaries, and related formations of oppression, gender and sexualities foremost among them.” 

For more details about the project, visit: