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Idalia Nuñez

Assistant Professor


Dr. Nuñez is an Assistant Professor with a specialization in Bilingual/ESL (English as a second language) Education. Her interests include: exploring Spanish-English translanguaging, bilingualism, and biliteracy; linguistic equity in educational settings; and bilingual/ESL pre-and in-service teacher education, identity, and agency. Her research focuses on recognizing the everyday cultural and linguistic resources of students of color, specifically from Latinx communities. Her work is guided by a sociocultural perspective that acknowledges the cultural contributions and knowledge that students, families, and communities of color bring into schools that can leverage academic learning. Furthermore, her research is grounded on the premise that an understanding of these everyday practices can inform and advance curricular and instructional developments that counter subtractive schooling approaches that continue to marginalize students and communities of color. Her work has been published in journals such as Language Arts, Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, and Journal of Latinos and Education. She has also received the 2023 Early Career Scholar Award from AERA Language and Social Processes SIG. 

Research Interests

Dr. Nuñez’s research interests include: exploring translanguaging, bilingualism, and biliteracy; linguistic equity in educational settings; and bilingual/ESL pre- and in-service teacher education, identity, and agency. Her research focuses on recognizing the everyday cultural and linguistic resources of students of color, specifically from Latinx communities. Her work is guided by a sociocultural perspective which acknowledges the cultural contributions and knowledge that students, families, and communities of color bring into schools that can be used to leverage academic learning. Her research is grounded on the premise that an understanding of these everyday practices can inform and advance curricular and instructional developments that counter subtractive schooling approaches that continue to marginalize students and communities of color.
Dr. Nuñez’s current research projects include:
(1) Exploring ways Latinx transnational bilingual children navigate spaces through translanguaging
(2) Exploring home and community language and literacy practices of Latinx transnational families on and beyond the U.S.-México borderlands
(3) Exploring the bilingual and biliterate identities of preservice teachers

Additional Campus Affiliations

Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction

Highlighted Publications

Degollado, E. D., Nuñez, I., & Romero, M. A. (2021). Border literacies: A critical literacy framework from Nepantla: A critical literacy framework from nepantla. In J. Z. Pandya, R. A. Mora, J. H. Alford, N. A. Golden, & R. S. de Roock (Eds.), The Handbook of Critical Literacies (pp. 456-464). Routledge.

Nuñez, I., Villarreal, D. A., DeJulio, S., Harvey, R., & Cardenas Curiel, L. (2021). Sustaining Bilingual–Biliterate Identities: Latinx Preservice Teachers’ Narrative Representations of Bilingualism and Biliteracy Across Time and Space. Journal of Teacher Education, 72(4), 419-430.

The Literacy Futurisms Collective-in-the-Making, Abril-Gonzalez, P., Aguilera, E., Linares, R., Nightengale-Lee, B., Nuñez, I., Nyachae, T., Rusoja, A., & Templeton, T. (2021). “We Believe in Collective Magic”: Honoring the Past to Reclaim the Future(s) of Literacy Research. Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice, 70(1), 428-447.

Nuñez, I., & Urrieta, L. (2021). Transfronterizo Children’s Literacies of Surveillance and the Cultural Production of Border Crossing Identities on the U.S.–Mexico Border. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 52(1), 21-41.

Nuñez, I. (2022). ‘Siento que el inglés esta tumbando mi español’: A transfronteriza child’s embodied critical language awareness. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25(7), 2608-2620.

Nuñez, I. (2021). Testimonios of Momentos: Reading and Trusting my Embodied Epistemology. Educational Studies - AESA, 57(3), 310-321.

Espinoza, K., Nuñez, I., & Degollado, E. D. (2021). “This is What My Kids See Every Day”: Bilingual Pre-service Teachers Embracing Funds of Knowledge through Border Thinking Pedagogy. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 20(1), 4-17.

Nuñez, I. (2019). “Le Hacemos La Lucha”: Learning from Madres Mexicanas’ Multimodal Approaches to Raising Bilingual, Biliterate Children. Language Arts, 97(1), 7-16.

McCarthey, S. J., Nuñez, I., & Lee, C. (2020). Translanguaging Across Contexts. In M. Dressman, & R. W. Sadler (Eds.), The Handbook of Informal Language Learning (pp. 349-367). Wiley-Blackwell.

Nuñez, I., & Espinoza, K. (2019). Bilingual pre-service teachers’ initial experiences: Language ideologies in practice. Journal of Latinos and Education, 18(3), 228-242.

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Recent Publications

Nuñez, I., & García, S. (2024). Rising from the Margins: Critical Research on the Language and Literacy Practices of Transnational and/or Indigenous Latine/x Families. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 23(3), 333-337.

García-Mateus, S., & Nuñez, I. (2023). Identity Construction and Students in DLBE Classrooms. In J. A. Freire, C. Alfaro, & E. de Jong (Eds.), The Handbook of Dual Language Bilingual Education (pp. 373-392). Routledge.

Nuñez, I., Zhang, J., Hernandez Farias, D., & Becerra, M. E. (2023). “They are. Bilingual.”: Manifestations of bilanguaging love in a dual language bilingual classroom. Bilingual Research Journal, 46(1-2), 47-63.

Nuñez, I. (2023). Toward Border-Crossing Biliteracies: Pláticas of Midwest Transnational Latinx Families Reading and (Re)writing the World. Reading Research Quarterly, 58(4), 475-494.

Nunez, I., & Gareía-Mateus, S. (2022). Interrogating our Interpretations and Positionalities: Chicanx Researchers as Scholar Activists in Solidarity with our Communities. In S. May, & B. Caldas (Eds.), Critical Ethnography, Language, Race/ism and Education (pp. 108-122). Multilingual Matters.

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